Shrodengers Bed Bug, An article about bed bug anxiety by Bed Bugs Limited of London was established by David Cain in 2005, primarily as an information portal for the exchange of ideas and information about bed bugs. With his scientific background and professional training, David was interested in the increasing spread of bed bugs and what scientific advances were being brought to bear on the problem. Surprisingly, the “scientific” answer was ‘not a lot’.

The sheer volume of enquiries and, more specifically, direct requests for effective help in tackling infestations demonstrated very clearly that existing methods of controlling bedbugs were proving increasingly ineffective. A radical new approach was needed and led David to set up Bed Bugs Limited, a company dedicated solely to the control and eradication of this pest.

From the outset, the company has done things differently, with a firm emphasis on research and investigation in order to develop an eradication process which actually works. A few years down the road, with successful treatment of infestations far higher than general pest controllers, the results show that we are very definitely on the right track and can rightfully claim to be the UK’s leading company when it comes to bedbugs with international collaborations covering many aspects of bedbugs.

Unsurpassed experience

We have been working on bed bugs longer than any company in the world, in fact long enough to have seen many companies come and go. When it comes to deal with bed bugs we have encountered so many cases that nothing is that unique anymore, this gives us the ability to apply years of experience to your problem and to deal with things as efficiently as possible. Much like paramedics attending a medical emergency we are used to triageing high stress situations and gaining the most effective solutions.

100% Green methods

Our unique approach to treatment comes from working in the most zero tolerance environments where control needs to be immediate and solutions long-term. We document all our work through a simple and effective log book process which ensures that we work in partnership with our clients. We deal with the bed bugs you have but need your help ensure more don’t get brought home.

Outspoken yet outstanding

We are often quoted in the media and have been used as TV experts on many occasions. Often with the presenters or authors noting the obvious passion we have for our work and the unique biology based solution we offer. This ensures that we are firm yet fair and will take the time to explain things to you in detail using support documents which have passed the most thorough inspection by world leading academics.

Genuine company who sincerely care

Sadly we can confirm there are rogues who operate in pest control, just like all industries. In recent years we have noted issues arising from the following types of organisations:

    • Companies claiming trade association membership to look legitimate when a quick check of the trade bodies websites shows they are not members.
    • Well placed SEO optimized sites run without a UK operation farming work out to unskilled staff.
    • Local authorities offering shockingly ineffective treatment and taking just minutes to carry them out.
    • Cases that were never confirmed as bed bugs and were treated despite the fact that it was never bed bugs.
    • Companies claiming multiple years trading and yet companies house have no record of them and the website is only a few months old.

We would advise anyone in need of pest control services to carry out the following research before booking a service.

        1. Call the company and ask for the VAT and company numbers.
        2. Ask them how long they have been in business.
        3. Ask for proof of insurance.

With this information you can check companies house for registration information (this is free to do). If they do not have a VAT number and yet claim to be a large company they are not, VAT registration is compulsory for all UK business with turnover in excess of £65,000. Check the registration of the website to confirm the age of the company and to see if there is another owner. In the modern times of Google people can be mislead by a well presented template website appearing at the top of the list.

As we often get called in to fix the mistakes of others we keep up with their methods using our previously treated declaration process so that even though we no longer use chemical based products we can track what is failing.

Finally check for testimonials and references to the company in the media, we are proud of our many media appearances most of which are listed and archived on our site.

We hope you will agree that the health and well being of you and your family makes Bed Bugs Limited the logical choice.