bed bug passive monitors by Bed Bugs Limited of London


The PDF document linked below is offered as an assistance to those seeking to tackle bed bug infestations and is a protocol that we developed in conjunction with clients in remote locations we could feasible travel to.

It is designed to deal with cases that have not been dramatically dispersed and if you have been previously treated including self treatment we would advise that you engage with the previously treated property procedure first.

The procedure is written to be used in conjunction with our patented Passive Monitoring system through an approach which is best illustrated with the image below where you can clearly see that bed bugs have rapidly started to utilise the harbourage provided and as such the life cycle can be broken by removing it, thus taking away the eggs before they hatch.

Passive bed bug monitors system by Bed Bugs Limited of London

No other bed bug detection technology has proven to be so effective in the field, if it had we would be using it.


In 2016 we ceased updating this protocol to allow us to focus on the development of two self treatment kits which are available through the shop section of this site.This will enable us to fund better online resources to help people deal with their infestation.

Download: Treatment by Passive Monitor Replacement