Bed Bug Blue Faecal Test Kit


 One of the 3 confirming signs of bedbugs is the faecal traces or bed bug poo.  
Traditionally this has required visual confirmation which can with less experienced people be error prone as other signs like fly droppings, pen marks and paint can be easily mistaken.
This diagnostic kit can be used to confirm faecal traces in 60 seconds as the indicator paper changes from white to blue when faecal material is applied in conjunction with the developing solution.
This handy travel sized pack helps you to confirm and avoid when you travel as well as offering peace of mind around the home and office should you need to test a spot.
BedBug Blue faecal trace confirmation kit is a simple and easy to use diagnostic tool for confirming suspect marks.
The kit has enough developer and test paper to conduct  9 tests in a handy home use or travel pack.
We use this kit as part of our confirmation and inspection procedure within our domestic and commercial services.

The Bed Bug Blue™ Faecal Spot Detection Kit includes:

  • Proprietary detection card
  • 1 bottle of developer fluid
  • Cotton swabs
  • Full instructions on use

Bed Bug Blue™ will turn blue for bed bug fecal spots whether they are new or old (up to 2 years old) as long as the spotting has not been wiped down with cleansers or other chemicals.

Further details on using this product can be found at:

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