Founded in 2005 Bed- was one of the world first public information portals on bedbugs offering some of the first images of bedbugs and their signs outside of academia.

Having witnessed the increase in infestations over the previous few years our founder David Cain realised that this growing problem required a more scientific approach to successfully eradicate and detect infestations.

He soon realised that early detection was the key to control and embarked on a public information mission to try and educate people about the risks and more importantly how to avoid infestations.

Following the first incident of significant public awareness in Jan 2007 when a London 5 star Hotel received a lawsuit from a guest our media role has continued to grow. Subsequently, we have contributed to over 250 national and international newspapers and built one of the most respected specialist pest control firms in the world kept busy dealing with only bedbug infestations.

To date Bed, Bugs Limited have processed over 28,000 domestic infestations and 1,000’s of hotel rooms across the hospitality spectrum.  Specialising in low and non-chemical strategies when feasible rooms can go back into use within a matter of hours rather than weeks of lost time and revenue.

Through the establishment of cutting-edge systems and processes we are able to assist organisations to reduce the negative impact that infestations can have on their businesses and through the disciplines, we help instil ensure that any exposure to bed bugs is dealt with quickly and efficiently with minimal losses.

  • Worlds First Bedbug Specialist

  • Worlds First Dedicated Decon Facility

  • I EU To Train Bedbug Scent Dogs

  • In World, To Develop Passive Monitors

  • In EU to Retire Bedbug Scent Dogs

  • In EU to 100% Green for Hotels

by Bed Bugs Limited of London as seen on TV BBC and CNN, Rouge Traders

What was once a rare pest problem has made a meteoric comeback into society.  As a pest of exposure bedbugs can impact the hospitality industry as they are transferred from location to location with guests luggage, staff and items brought into your establishment.

Without ProActive systems, in place, your organisation is simply responding to staff sightings and guest complaints which means infestations are often heavier and more impacting than they need to be.

Bed Bugs Limited has developed and patented technology and systems to help identify even a single bedbug encroaching on your establishment within 12 –  72 hours ensuring that you are able to detect the issue long before they start to breed and spread through to adjoining areas of the property.

  • Reduced room downtime
  • Reduced furniture waste
  • Environmentally sustainable
  • Reduced guest complaints